Jordi Savall.

Director, Viols & Ensembles.

For more than fifty years, Jordi Savall, one of the most versatile musical personalities of his generation, has rescued musical gems from the obscurity of neglect and oblivion and given them back for all to enjoy. A tireless researcher into early music, he interprets and performs the repertoire both as a viol player and a director. His activities as a concert performer, teacher, researcher, and creator of new musical and cultural projects have made him a leading figure in the reappraisal of historical music. Together with Montserrat Figueras, he founded the ensembles Hespèrion XXI (1974), La Capella Reial de Catalunya (1987) and Le Concert des Nations (1989).


“Jordi Savall testifies to a common cultural inheritance of infinite variety. He is a man of our time.”
The Guardian


© David Ignaszewski

